Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Semmi erdekes... / Nothing interesting

Ezen a heten meg nem tortent semmi erdekes. Pozitiv valtozas hogy sokkal jobb lett a kaja. Ismail, a szakacs megprobalt elmondas alapjan tejberizst es paradicsomlevest fozni. Mind a kettobe tett egy india csavart, de jok lettek. A tejberizst sok citrommal keszitette, a leves pedig az eroleves-minestoneleves-paradicsomleves harmas kompinaciojabol jott ki. Ezen kivul mindig van sima rizs es krumpli, nehany fott zoldseg es edas-savanyu szosz. Persze megmaradt az india hus is kulonfele fuszerezessel, de abbol csak modjaval csipeget a tarsasag.
A napi program nagyjabol reggel kilenctol este hat-hetig tanulas, kozte ebedszunettel. Vacsora csak nyolckor van, ugyanabban az epuletben mint az oktatas, a szallas pedig kb 10 perc setara van. Nem nagyon eri meg hazamenni, tehat nagyjabol ebredestol este kilencig le vagyunk foglalva.
Tegnap hettol nyolcig fotozgatassal toltottem az idot. Az uj fenykepezogep - Fuji F10 - sokkal jobb mint a regi HP945-os. Kicsi, nagyon gyorsan kapcsol be, nagy az lcd-je, ennek ellenere sokaig birja az akku. Gyenge fenynel is egesz jo. (ISO 1600) A csalad gondolom kulonosen orul majd, hogy esti-ejszakai fotozashoz az onkioldot 10 masodperc helyett, 2 masodpercre is lehet allitani. :) A legjobb az lenne, ha ezt automatikusan meg is tenne a gep, de szerencsere konnyen, menuben valo lepkedes nelkul is elehet erni az onkioldo funkciot. Sok manualis allitasi lehetoseg nincs benne, de sieleskor jol johet majd a feheregyensulyallitas ;), ejszakai modban pedig 3-15mp kozott lehet allitani a zaridot. Ket negativuma - amit olvastam tesztben is - hogy, makro modban lassan fokuszal, es a gepen nem normal usb port van. Elobbi nem gond, ha nem ugrik el a fenykepalany :), utobbival sincs problema, amig a Fuji kabel keznel van, de ha nincs akkor nem tudok sima usb-t hasznalni.

Nothing happend on this week. A positive change is, that the food is much better now. Ismail the cook, tried to make milk-rice and tomato soup, two european dishes. He put a little indian twist in both, but overall it was quite good. He put too much lemon to the milk-rice, and the tomato soup was like the combo of beeftea-minestone soup-tomato soup. Besides this, they always serve plain rice and potato, with chinese sweet-sour sauce. We still get indian food too, but it is not so popular within the group. It tastes good, but 3 kind on each meal, is too much for our stomach.
Daily routne consist of learning from 9am till 6-7 pm, with a lunch break. Dinner is served at 8 o`clock, in the same building as the teaching. And our dorms are 1o minutes away by walk, so it`s not worth it to go home, between 7 and 8. So we are engaged from awakening till 9 pm.Yesterday i spent my time taking photographs from 7 to 8. My new digital camera - Fuji F10 - works much better than the old HP945. It`s small, very fast, has a big LCD and it`s battery life is still very good. It`s good at low light conditions too. (ISO 1600) Especially my family will like, that the self-timer can be set to 2 sec too, not only for 10 sec. There aren`t too many manual settings, besides the white balance, and the night shooting mode, where you can set shutter speed between 3 and 15 secs. I found only two disadvantages (That i also read in reviews, before i bought it.): the macro focus is very slow, and Fuji uses not the standard usb port on the camera. Of course it is shipped with a cable, but if it is not on hand, you can`t use standard usb cable.


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